What is a Friend
Someone we trust
and someone we care
Our deepest secrets
with a friend we do share
Times when we're lonely
and covered in fear
A good loyal friend
will always be near
A friend will not criticize
nor ruthlessly judge
Towards our dreams
faithfully nudge
Attentively listen
and offers advice
A friend keeps no tabs
never looks at the price
Picks up our stress
and brings joy with a joke
A friend feeds us laughter
in memories we soak
A friend is everything
and always much more
With a huge smile
a friend opens the door
موضوعات مرتبط: شعر کوتاه تشویق ، تشویق ، ،
Day by Day
You can do it, I know you can
I trust and believe in your plan
It has been processed in your mind
The ideal path, you shall find
It's clear that you have what it takes
You simply won't need any brakes
Since you have so much passion inside
This dream of yours will be a special ride
You can do it, I know you can
I'm your first and biggest fan
One more thing I'd like to say
Enjoy the journey - day by day
Short Poems on Beauty
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
Its lovliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing
'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know
The night is beautiful
So the faces of my people
The stars are beautiful
So the eyes of my people
Beautiful, also, is the sun
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people
Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony
which is in the universal being
truth the perfect comprehension of the universal mind
Beauty is truth's smile
when she beholds her own face in
a perfect mirror
The beauty
Of a simplicity-life
And the beauty
Of a self-giving heart
Have no equal
May beauty be my mind's
Immediate choice
May beauty be my heart's
Perfect voice
Is my heart's
موضوعات مرتبط: زیبایی ، ،
Hafez was born in Shiraz in south-western Persia (modern Iran) in approximately 1320 A.D., twenty two years before the birth of Chaucer and a year before the death of Dante. He was named Shams-ud-din, which means ‘Sun of Faith,’ Mohammed. Later when he began to write poetry he selected Hafez for his pen-name or takhallus. ‘Hafez’ is the title given to one who has learnt the whole of the Koran by heart and Hafez claimed to have done this in fourteen different ways.
Such a treasure your precious child is
Such a treasure your precious child is
who will thrive on every hug and kiss
Hold them close and sing them songs
they will only be a child for so long
Happy Children’s Day
خیلی خوشم اومد از این عکس .....
حیفم اومد شما نبینید.......
تقدیم به همه کسانی که در آرزوی دیدارمادرشان پر پرمیزنند.
اینجا دیگه انگلیسی کاربردی نداره . باید این تصویر را باتمام وجود حس کرد.
امیدوارم شما این حس را تجربه کنید.
Welcome to Short Poems
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موضوعات مرتبط: یک شعر زیبا از یک کودک افریقایی ، ،
دلنوشته های دانش آموزان دبیرستان زینبیه و بنت الهدی
مهرماه 1391
اینام دانش آموزان کلاس من هستند . پاک و معصوم
ممنونم از همه تون. امیدوارم لایق محبتهاتون باشم
Money can buy a bed, but not sleep
Money can buy a book, but not brain
Money can buy a food, but not appetite
Money can buy a medicine, but not health
Money can buy a house, but not home
Money can buy an amusement, but not happiness
Money can buy cosmetic, but not beauty
Money can buy a servant, but not friend
Money can buy a people, but not acceptance
Money can buy goods,but not peace
Money can buy a status,but not nobility
Money can buy a position, but not greatness
Money can buy a service, but not loyalty
Money can buy a power,but not authority
Money can buy a man, but not God