Iranians celebrate Dec. 21 as the longest night of the year. It is called Yalda in the Persian solar calendar during which special ceremonies are held.
"GOD! I Love You"
I'm looking toward you,
My night is moon mirror,
look at my needy hands from up,
These days ,I am grateful to you for this pure serenity,
God! I love you
For all things you has given to me,
It is always you who ask about me,
Again I close my eyes,
To count your all goodness,
I can't, then I just say,
God! I love you
You saw my wrongs,
My heart lost, again I prayed,
Help me,as long as I can breath,
to come back to your arms,
You even know me better than me,
You know my poorness,
I dont want all this world,
you are the rain of feelings,
God! I love you
For all things you has given to me,
Again I close my eyes,
To count your all goodness,
I can't, then I just say,
God! I love you
The Same Sun
I cannot sleep tonight, I have you on my mind,
Even the wind is calling your name,
Though you are far away, I feel that you are near,
Whispering words from over the sea.
And if you wake in your night remember that I will be here;
And like the same sun that's rising on the valley with the dawn,
I will walk with your shadow and keep you warm,
And like the same moon that's shining through my window here tonight,
I will watch in your darkness and bring you safely to the morning light.
Where there is love like this, forever for all time,
I will be there wherever you are.
Where there are hearts that live together in one soul
Nothing on earth will keep us apart,
And if you're crying inside, remember that I will be here.
And like the same sun that's rising on the valley with the dawn,
I will walk with your shadow and keep you warm,
And like the same moon that's shining through my window here tonight,
I will watch in your darkness and bring you safely to the morning light.
I love you , I love you. I love you.
And if you're crying inside remember that I will be here.
And like the same sun that's rising on the valley with the dawn,
I will walk with your shadow and keep you warm,
And like the same moon that's shining through my window here tonight
I will watch in your darkness and bring you safely to the morning light.
Same sun , the same moon, the same sun, the same moon.
You will be forever in my world,
I love you, I love you, I love you

My Friend
To my grey and gloomy days
For being there when needed
And for your caring,loving ways
Thank you...for encourgement
When I was weary and distraught
For words of consolation
And for all the joy you brought
Thank you...for all of your prayers
That where made in my behalf
For helping to ease the tears
And replace them with a laugh
I can face a new tomorrow
For I know I can depend...
On God..who sent an angel
And it is you my precious friend
موضوعات مرتبط: دوستی ، ،
All Alone
Alone with my prayers
Alone with my thoughts
Alone with my screams
Alone in my dreams
Alone in my bed
Alone in my head
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone watching the shining stars
Alone in the first sunlight
Alone to celebrate my joys
Alone to cry out my sadness
Alone to hope for rainbow lights
Alone to voice out my fears
Alone in my strength
Alone in my relief
Alone with my smile
Alone in wealth
Alone in bad health
Alone I try to find the answer
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone, yet surrounded by too many loved ones
Alone, I try not to be alone
Alone when my time has come, I pass away
موضوعات مرتبط: تنهایی ، ،
Hail Love, hail Love, because Love is divine
It is tender, it is beautiful and benign
What passion, what passion, we are burning like the sun
It is hidden and obscure, it is an obvious sign.
We’ve fallen, we’ve fallen, it is hard to rise up
We know not, we know not, this complex chaotic design
زهی عشق، زهی عشق که ما راست خدایا
چه نغز است و چه خوب است و چه زیباست خدایا
چه گرمیم، چه گرمیم از این عشق چو خورشید
چه پنهان و چه پنهان و چه پیداست خدایا
فتادیم، فتادیم بدان سان که نخیزیم
ندانیم، ندانیم چه غوغاست خدایا