My Friend
Thank you....for bring sunshin
To my grey and gloomy days
For being there when needed
And for your caring,loving ways
Thank you...for encourgement
When I was weary and distraught
For words of consolation
And for all the joy you brought
Thank you...for all of your prayers
That where made in my behalf
For helping to ease the tears
And replace them with a laugh
I can face a new tomorrow
For I know I can depend...
On God..who sent an angel
And it is you my precious friend
To my grey and gloomy days
For being there when needed
And for your caring,loving ways
Thank you...for encourgement
When I was weary and distraught
For words of consolation
And for all the joy you brought
Thank you...for all of your prayers
That where made in my behalf
For helping to ease the tears
And replace them with a laugh
I can face a new tomorrow
For I know I can depend...
On God..who sent an angel
And it is you my precious friend
موضوعات مرتبط: دوستی ، ،
تاريخ :
ا نويسنده : sadigh ا