Alone in the mornings i wake
Alone i sit and stare
Alone i think upon my thoughts
Alone i cry out but no one hears
Alone i pray to be loved
Alone i try to understand why
Alone in the darkness
Alone i feel afraid
Alone im unwanted
Alone i want to be someone else
Alone i share my secrets
Alone sing a sweet song
Alone i watch over my shadow
Alone i sit through the storm
Alone i wish for good things to come
Alone i hope for the bad to go away
Alone i wonder if this is how i will stay
Alone is when you have no friends
Alone is the place where you sit
Alone is the dark in a cold icy room
Alone is the leaves blowing by the wind
Alone is the dark room
Alone is where crows screech
Alone is by yourself
Alone is the dark corner in your mind
Alone is how I feel when I’m alone
Alone is with my father died
Alone is when my mother gave me up
Alone is where the crows dance in the air above you
Alone is the wind whispering in you ear